MAGGIE [calming them down] Girls, girls, girls, girls... [Ripping off bits of pink material she has taken from the shelf, giving them to each secretary] Listen: take this to all the designers; I want dresses made up in exactly this shade of pink. Babs: take this round to Kaiser Delmont, I want shoes and stockings in exactly this colour. Laura: everything goes pink! I want the whole issue pink; I want the whole country pink! [Pauses] Lettie: take an editorial: [dramatically] "To the women of America..."�no, make it to the women everywhere: "banish the black, burn the blue, and bury the beige! From now on girls..."
MAGGIE. Think pink! think pink! when you shop for summer clothes. Think pink! think pink! if you want that quel-que chose. Red is dead, blue is through, Green's obscene, brown's taboo. And there is not the slightest excuse for plum or puce �or chartreuse. Think pink! forget that Dior says black and rust. Think pink! who cares if the new look has no bust. Now, I wouldn't presume to tell a woman what a woman oughtta think, But tell her if she's gotta think: think pink�!
WOMEN. �for bags! pink for shoes! Razzle, dazzle and spread the news! And pink's for the lady with joie de vive! Pinks for all the family. Try pink shampoo. Pink toothpaste too. Play in pink, all day in pink, Pretty gayin pink. Drive in pink, come alive in pink, Have a dive in pink. Go out dancing but just remember one thing: You can get a little wink If you got a little pink In your swing.
MEN [painters, with NYC accents] Think pink! think pink, it's the latest word, you know. Think pink! think pink and you're Michelangelo.
WOMEN. Feels so gay, feels so bright. Makes you day, makes you night. Pink is now the colour to which you gotta switch!
MEN. (Do what you gotta switch!)
WOMEN. Every stitch!
MEN. (Every stitch you switch!)
MAGGIE. Think pink! think pink on the long, long road ahead.
WOMEN & MEN. On the road, (& MAGGIE) think pink!
MAGGIE. ...think pink and the world is rosey-red
WOMEN & MEN. (Everything's rosey.)
MAGGIE. Everything on the great horizon, Everything that you can think� and that includes the kitchen sink, Think pink!
You can not miss it!! de3sabores new collection now in Jugando con hilos. A lovely virtual shop. de3sabores presents their sweet and delicious new works. You have to test them! Remember that all de3sabores products are hand made and also thet we make personalized products. :) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< No te lo puedes perder!! La nueva colección de de3sabores ahora en Jugando con hilos. Una encantadora tienda virtual. de3sabores presenta sus dulces y deliciosos nuevos trabajos. Tienes que probarlos. Recuerda que todos los productos de de3sabores son hechos a mano y que también hacemos encargos personalizados. :)
Here are some pictures of make-up test for my Halloween costume. The one in white its me. :) Lovely! >>>>>>>><<<<<<<<< Aquí so dejo algunas de las prubas de maquillaje para los disfraces de Halloween. La de blanco soy yo. :) Adorable!
No, isnot too earlytospeakaboutit! Halloweenisverynear, and I am so excitedabout it. I gotthebestcostume, andthepartyisgoingto be great!! I willputsomepictures as soon as I havethem... But, ifyouuse to have nightmares, DON'T LOOK!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< No, no es demasiado pronto para hablar sobre ello! Halloween está muy cerca y estoy muy emocionada por ello. Tengo el disfraz perfecto y la fiesta va a estar genial!! Pondré algunas fotografías encuanto las tenga...Pero si sueles tener pesadillas, NO LAS MIRES!!! JAJAJAJAJAJAA!JAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJA!JAJAJAJAJAJA!